Friday, March 7, 2014

Evaluate 3.1.2 Self-Reflection on Teaching Abilities

Self-Reflection on Teaching Abilities

Reflection has always played a major role in my experiences as a teacher. It is important to reflect on lesson daily as well as teacher practices.  As we move into the new Teacher Evaluation methods, teachers must learn to take the feedback from students to shift and alter their teacher style to meet the needs of the student. Just like in the tradition setting, this must be done in the online setting as well. Whether it is reviewing and eliminating test questions or assignments, teachers must use the data to influence these decisions. In addition, searching for ways to improve on areas of improvements are necessary. Utilizing professional development opportunities, videos, and articles, teachers should always find ways to perfecting their craft as much as possible. 

Evaluate 3.1.1 Differentiation


In this case, the data indicates that all students did not meet the standards. Students will be grouped according to whether they are approaching the standard or they still have a ways to go. Students will be given the opportunity for remediation to ensure standard master.  This task could include extra help videos or a live synchronous session for these students to attend. Afterward, students could be required to retake the assessment to improve their score and show competency before moving on. 

Evaluate 2.1.2 Rubrics and Competencies

Rubrics and Competencies

In the structure below, each competency is aligned throughout the section. section. Students will review a Narrated Prezi that allows them to grasp content specific vocabulary for the argumentative essay. Students will then take a short quiz to gage their understanding of the vocabulary. Students will use a graphic organizer to compose a short argumentative essay on professional athletes' salaries. As a bridge to the actual essay, students will complete a discussion about social media. Prior to submitting their final argumentative essays, students will have an opportunity to participate in a writing conference. 

Evaluate 2.1.1 Data Driven Instruction, Analytics, Reporting Tools

Data Driven Instruction, Analytics, Reporting Tools

Analytics are a vital aspect of online instruction because the usage of data should drive instruction. Whether a teacher is monitoring how a student spends their time in the LMS, it is essential that  online instructors review the analytics in order to provide feedback to students. Teachers can use analytics with quiz and test scores to see which students are struggling, what specific concepts they are struggling with, and what questions a majority of the class may have missed. If one particular question was missed by a large number of students the teacher may want to record a video explaining how to properly answer that question. In addition, the instructor may provide remediation options to ensure student mastery.  

Additionally, analytics allows teachers to track parent communication  through the LMS. Sometimes the LMS will send an automatic email or the instructor can set functions in the LMS to do so. It is important to not only send emails when students are struggling, but also when students are excelling. Teachers can also learn from these analytics to make changes for future years or future semesters. If one particular question is missed a lot the instructor can make changes to the corresponding lessons or learning tasks. If students keep making the same mistake on an assignment, the instructor can edit the instructions to be more clear. If students continually ask the same question about instructions, the teacher can add the answer to that question into the instructions.

Evaluate 1.1.3 The Summative Assessment

Summative Assessment 

This summative assessment would be used in an English classroom to assess student's mastery to constructing an argument. 

Validity is assessed by creating learning goals and objectives which are aligned to national standards and aligning both lessons, formative assessment questions, and the summative assessment. 

Reliability is assessed using previous assessments from writing task. As a teacher, one should be able notice variances in student writing and word choice based off discussion task and other writing task. 

Security is hard to guarantee on writing task but I would take precautions like using a search engine to ensure students didn't copy and paste off the internet. 

Evaluate 1.1.2 Quality Feedback

Quality Feedback 

As a Language Arts teacher, it is important to give students individualized feedback especially when it comes to writing and composing.  I use Google Drive in my classroom which makes it easier for me to provide feedback to my students.

The student and I exchanged comments about the direction of the paper that is not seen to protect the identity of the student. 

Evaluate 1.1.1 Formative Assessment

Formative Assessment 

The formative assessment was created in Canvas for students to demonstrate their knowledge of the elements of an argument.