The following links highlight the importance of digital safety and online participation.
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
TOOL MOOC: Communication Pathway
These links highlight the Communication Pathway for the TOOL MOOC assignment.
TOOL MOOC: Navigate Pathway
Below are the links for the Navigate Path for TOOL MOOC.
Friday, March 7, 2014
Evaluate 3.1.2 Self-Reflection on Teaching Abilities
Self-Reflection on Teaching Abilities
Reflection has always played a major role in my experiences as a teacher. It is important to reflect on lesson daily as well as teacher practices. As we move into the new Teacher Evaluation methods, teachers must learn to take the feedback from students to shift and alter their teacher style to meet the needs of the student. Just like in the tradition setting, this must be done in the online setting as well. Whether it is reviewing and eliminating test questions or assignments, teachers must use the data to influence these decisions. In addition, searching for ways to improve on areas of improvements are necessary. Utilizing professional development opportunities, videos, and articles, teachers should always find ways to perfecting their craft as much as possible.
Evaluate 3.1.1 Differentiation
In this case, the data indicates that all students did not meet the standards. Students will be grouped according to whether they are approaching the standard or they still have a ways to go. Students will be given the opportunity for remediation to ensure standard master. This task could include extra help videos or a live synchronous session for these students to attend. Afterward, students could be required to retake the assessment to improve their score and show competency before moving on.
Evaluate 2.1.2 Rubrics and Competencies
Rubrics and Competencies
In the structure below, each competency is aligned throughout the section. section. Students will review a Narrated Prezi that allows them to grasp content specific vocabulary for the argumentative essay. Students will then take a short quiz to gage their understanding of the vocabulary. Students will use a graphic organizer to compose a short argumentative essay on professional athletes' salaries. As a bridge to the actual essay, students will complete a discussion about social media. Prior to submitting their final argumentative essays, students will have an opportunity to participate in a writing conference.
Evaluate 2.1.1 Data Driven Instruction, Analytics, Reporting Tools
Data Driven Instruction, Analytics, Reporting Tools
Analytics are a vital aspect of online instruction because the usage of data should drive instruction. Whether a teacher is monitoring how a student spends their time in the LMS, it is essential that online instructors review the analytics in order to provide feedback to students. Teachers can use analytics with quiz and test scores to see which students are struggling, what specific concepts they are struggling with, and what questions a majority of the class may have missed. If one particular question was missed by a large number of students the teacher may want to record a video explaining how to properly answer that question. In addition, the instructor may provide remediation options to ensure student mastery.Additionally, analytics allows teachers to track parent communication through the LMS. Sometimes the LMS will send an automatic email or the instructor can set functions in the LMS to do so. It is important to not only send emails when students are struggling, but also when students are excelling. Teachers can also learn from these analytics to make changes for future years or future semesters. If one particular question is missed a lot the instructor can make changes to the corresponding lessons or learning tasks. If students keep making the same mistake on an assignment, the instructor can edit the instructions to be more clear. If students continually ask the same question about instructions, the teacher can add the answer to that question into the instructions.
Evaluate 1.1.3 The Summative Assessment
Summative Assessment
This summative assessment would be used in an English classroom to assess student's mastery to constructing an argument.Validity is assessed by creating learning goals and objectives which are aligned to national standards and aligning both lessons, formative assessment questions, and the summative assessment.
Reliability is assessed using previous assessments from writing task. As a teacher, one should be able notice variances in student writing and word choice based off discussion task and other writing task.
Security is hard to guarantee on writing task but I would take precautions like using a search engine to ensure students didn't copy and paste off the internet.
Evaluate 1.1.2 Quality Feedback
Quality Feedback
As a Language Arts teacher, it is important to give students individualized feedback especially when it comes to writing and composing. I use Google Drive in my classroom which makes it easier for me to provide feedback to my students.
The student and I exchanged comments about the direction of the paper that is not seen to protect the identity of the student.
The student and I exchanged comments about the direction of the paper that is not seen to protect the identity of the student.
Evaluate 1.1.1 Formative Assessment
Formative Assessment
The formative assessment was created in Canvas for students to demonstrate their knowledge of the elements of an argument.
The quiz is found at
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Create 4.1.2 Principles of Building Portable Learning Objects
Principles of Building Portable Learning Objects
Created on, this resources will help students identify participles.
Create 4.1.3 Aggregating Lesson Material
Aggregating Lesson Material
The following are three possible choices:
- Desire2Learn - Most expensive options but offers a variety of tools for additional purchasesCanvas by Instructure - this tool is free for teachers and students. Students are able to complete courses that interest them.
- Blackboard - Fee-based tool similar to Desire2Learn but options are limited.
- Canvas- Allows teachers to build courses for students
Create 4.1.1 Define and Explain Learning Object Authoring Tools
Define and Explain Learning Object Authoring Tools
Free Tools
- Prezi- Allows you to create visually appealing presentations
- Toon Doo- allows users to create comics
- Google Drive- allows users to create documents, presentations, and software
Paid Tools
- Comic Life- allows users to create comics using actual photos
- Glogster - allows users to create posters with videos and photos
Create 3.1.3 Locating Resources
Locating Resources
This video was located on Teacher Tube.
Wiki definition of Participle
Create 3.1.2 Fair Use and the TEACH Act
How does an understanding of Fair Use affect one's role as an online instructor?
A strong understanding of Fair Use is vital to the success of an online instructor. In order to follow the law and also to be a good representative and role model to students, instructors must be concerned about using a certain item or material due to copyright restrictions. It is unreasonable or impossible to receive direct permission for ever digital item that is used. However, if one understanding Fair Use and is abiding by it or uses the checklist to make sure they are using copyrighted material under Fair Use then they can have more options of what to use in their course.
How do Fair Use and the TEACH Act correlate to the delivery of reliable content?
Fair Use and the TEACH Act enable educators to use content they may otherwise be unable to use giving them access to more reliable content to be delivered. Teachers must do their best to learn about these two important things though and use them properly. If used properly, an instructor can deliver better content legally.
Create 3.1.1. Open Educational Resources and Creative Commons
Open Educational Resources and Creative Commons
Open Educational Resources are openly-licensed, free digital resources that can be used for educational purposes only.
There are many different types of Creative Commons licenses. Some licenses provide free or open use. Other items may be used only for non-commercial use. Some items may be changed and other items may only be used in their original form.In order to alter, some may require you to contact the owner.
Create 2.1.3 Using Web 2.0 Tools to Differentiate Student Assessment
Using Web 2.0 Tools to Differentiate Student Assessment
ToonDoo is a great way for students to illustrate their knowledge of themes in a particular novel. Students can use the software to create a graphic novel in collaborative setting and host an online book release. In addition students can use one of the mind mapping sites to organize the layout of the book. Collaboration is one of the most important 21st century skill.
To Kill a Mockingbird Graphic Novel
Title: To Kill a Mockingbird Graphic Novel
Audience: 8th
Grade Students
Purpose: The
purpose of this activity is for 8th grade students create a graphic novel after
our reading of To Kill a Mockingbird that
captures the themes of the novel.
Objective: After reading to Kill a
Mockingbird, the student will analyze and retell the novel in a graphic
novel using his/her own words to capture the themes of the text.
Outcomes: Students
will compile each part of the graphic novel and host a book release for their
- · paper for storyboarding
- · computers/tablets/IPads
- · a color printer
- · a book binder
Instructions on How to Complete the Activity:
- · Students will read To Kill a Mockingbird.
- · Students will be assigned a particular part of the novel.
- · Students will utilize storyboarding to create a comic strip with dialogue that represents the essence of the important part of that chapter.
- · Students will watch the online tutorial that accompanies the application to learn how to create the comic strip.
- · Students will create their vision.
- · Students will print out a color version of their comic strip.
- · Students will present their strips visually and orally to their classmates and other stakeholders.
Strategies: The students will be assessed formatively during steps 4-10 through
questioning techniques and observation. The summative assessment will evaluate
the students’ final product and oral presentation. The final product will be
judged on the required elements in step five, creativity of images and
dialogue, organization of beginning, middle and end, neatness and clarity, and
spelling and grammar. The oral presentation will be judged on inclusion of
relevant information for comprehension, eye contact, body language, and
Example of an
Activity Outcome: Students will show a deeper understanding of the text as well
as learn the valuable skill of collaboration.
Strategies: I will use the activity to have students create Cinderella graphic
novels based on a country as well as a way from them to show their mastery of
language standards.
Create 2.1.2 Using Web 2.0 Tools to Differentiate Teacher Instruction
Using Web 2.0 Tools to Differentiate Teacher Instruction
Using Web 2.0 tools to differentiate teacher instruction can be difficult when using free ones. Most free ones are still in testing phases and changing periodically. I enjoy creating videos because it gives students the opportunities to review the information when needed. Students can pause as well as scaffold the information by pausing and rewinding information that was missed.
Create 2.1.1 Web Tools
Presentation Tools
Khan Academy - provides lessons that allows students to review and learn new concepts or skills
Learn Zillion - similar to Khan Academy it allows students to complete modules for common core related skills based off their grade level
Instructional Tools
Prezi- allows teachers to create dynamic presentations accessible online
Google Drive- allows teachers and students to create documents, presentations, and spreadsheets in a collaborative setting
Narrated Prezi or PowerPoint- allows students to view a video with the ability to rewind and reply
Brainstorming/Planning Tools - allows students to brainstorm and organize their ideas prior to writing - allows students to work to together and present information together
Create 1.1.3 Appearance
Exemplary Sites
- Study Island- easy to read, minimum graphics, easy to navigate
- - good graphics, easy to navigate, clean layout and appearance
- - easy to follow and navigate
- - great usage of graphics and information clearly laid out
- - easy to read, minimum graphics, easy to navigate
Need Improvements
- - hard to focus on materials due to background and moving visuals
- - frontpage is loaded with to much information
- - good layout but orange can be a tad bit harsh on eyes
- - mostly great appearance, but the orange can be difficult on the eyes and make some of the text hard to see
- - font to large for layout, minimium graphics
Create 1.1.1 Time Management
Time Management
- Electronic Calendars are the best way to manage time in your personal and professional lives combined. Whether using an Apple or Android phone, one can access their calendar anywhere. This tool allows one to organize events, assignments, responsibilities, etc.
- To-Do-List helps individuals take time to prioritize task and assignments. This can be especially beneficial for the online student to help then remember deadlines. Some programs offer checklist that allows students to check their completion and progress in a particular module.
- Disconnecting from social media notifications can improve your time management because one Instagram notification can distract you for several minutes leading to a time of loss productivity.
- Saying no can easily help one manage their time. Often times we over extend and commit ourselves because of the fear of saying no especially in our personal lives which can interfere with our professional and online classroom obligations.
- Whether it is a small gift, a trip to Starbucks, or a massage, we should practice rewarding yourself. When you complete a course or several small task on a to-do-list, it is important to reward yourself with free time from other distractions.
Communicate 4.2.3 Discussions
What role or purpose do
discussion forums serve in the online classroom and are they effective?
Discussion forums are essential aspects of the
online classroom. There can be a
discussion forum for frequently asked questions for interactions between
students and the instructor. This saves the instructor time in answering numerous
emails with the same questions. Discussion forums can serve the purpose of a
class discussion since students are able to view the opinions of others on a
topic or on specific readings. This causes students to think more deeply about
the topic and also to refine their own opinions and ideas about the topic.
How do discussion forums function
as a teaching tool?
Discussion forums can teach students about new
topics by assigning readings that go along with a topic and asking the students
to come up with an opinion. They can teach students about expressing themselves
in the written word and about debating topics. Students can hear points or
counterpoints to their own arguments causing them to refine or improve their
own arguments
How could they be used
effectively and ineffectively? Furthermore, what are some best practices for
facilitating forums online?
Discussions can be ineffective when the question or
prompt has a correct answer. If students have to respond to a question with a
right or wrong answer they all end up writing the same or very similar things.
There is not much to comment on and it never turns into a conversation or a
debate. Students post should be one that encourage engagement. Discussions
should also not ask students to summarize something.
Discussions can be effective when they are engaging
for students. If done correctly, students will respond to more posts than they
are required to and will be interested in reading all the posts. Instructors
should provide consistent feedback during the discussion and should respond to
every student's initial post. The instructor should model appropriate behavior
in a discussion and challenge students to think deeper and expand their
knowledge. Even though the instructor should not dominate the discussion, she
should make her presence known and give meaningful and constructive feedback to
each student. It should be clear to students that the instructor is following
the discussion and reading every post.
Communicate 4.2.2 Digital Feedback
Digital Feedback
- Audio feedback using Voki will be a great way to provide feedback to students. It allows you to either type the text or use your own voice to give students feedback on discussion post.
- As memes become more and more popular, this will be a great way to let students know they did a great job.
- Peer Review dynamic feedback and be beneficial to both the reviewer and the original writer; this method can also help refine work before it is handed in.
Communicate 4.3.1 The Synchronous Session
Synchronous Session
Like in the traditional classroom setting, it is important to build a community of learners in the online setting. By using synchronous sessions, instructors help students feel connected no matter the amount of distance between them. In addition, it provides a faster response time to discussions as well as emails. During a previous online course, I enjoyed the chat discussions because it further developed my learning. Furthermore, the sessions can help clarify instructions and assignments. Although their can be some drawbacks to this type of session, the advantages are limitless.
Communicate 3.2.2 Differentiation
I created and recorded the video below in order to provide and explantation of the concepts of an argument. A video can be beneficial for auditory and visual learners because the video gives them the opportunity to master and control the video.
Communicate 4.1.1 Evaluation Methods and Communication Practices
Evaluation and Communication Practices
How do communication practices in the online environment correlate to effective feedback?
Communication and effective feedback goes hand and hand in an online classroom especially in the discussion board feedback. By participating in the discussion, instructors have the ability to provide feedback as well as extend student learning. In addition, if a student is struggling, the instructor can get them back on track in their discussion and assignments.
Why is authentic feedback important for online learners?
Feedback takes the form of many things especially in an online Language Arts course. It is important that teachers are providing feedback that is meaningful to the assignment which is especially important in writing assignments. Students need to be aware of areas that they struggle and given tips to help them improve.
In what ways might an instructor enrich a student’s online experience through feedback?
In an ELA online course especially as it pertains to writing, the instructor might be able to enrich a student's experience with a one to one writing conference using Google Hangout and Drive. It is a great way for students to hear and receive feedback that will allow them to improve their writing. In addition, by holding conferences, students will be able to help others through peer feedback and eventually notice their own mistakes.
Communicate 4.1.2 Rubrics
As we continue to dive deeper into the Common Core standards, it is important to give students opportunities to collaborate on projects that requires presentations. Synchronous sessions allow the instructor to conduct such presentations. Below is a copy of a rubric for a group presentation on the historical context of To Kill a Mockingbird.Saturday, February 22, 2014
Communicate 3.2.1 The Newsletter
The Newsletter
Communication is important in keeping all stakeholders up to date with the information about the course.
- Weekly Update Emails and Social Media Blast- these blast will help keep students and others aware of what is expected of the week.
- Videos- the weekly video will be teacher created to give updates about the course progress as well as preview of update module
- Announcements in the LMS- using announcements will help students be aware of changes and important events.
Communicate 3.1.2 News
I plan to use weekly news items detailing what is due for that week and what is coming up as well as Remind 101 and Twitter to update students with information. Videos will be another means of updating students.
Communicate 2.1.3 Ongoing Communication
Ongoing Communication with Stakeholders
Communication is vital to the success of students and all stakeholders involved in online education. Quite different from traditional education, online educators must provide an environment that encourages collaboration to ensure that students are not isolated from each other. Educators must be proactive in using a variety of methods to ensure communication and students are successful in the course which can be accomplished through Twitter, Remind 101, and even Instagram. Teachers must connect with students in a way that they are familiar with.
Educators can hold Google Hangout sessions for tutorial sessions or create videos to explain assignments for students. Ongoing communication can also be in the form of progress reports and emails to at-risk students.
Communicate 2.1.2 Communication Guidelines
Welcome Email
- A welcome email will be sent to both parents and students. The email will included important information like the syllabus, expectations, and communication guidelines. Students will be required to sign up for Remind 101 to receive important course information and remind to check the LMS and email daily for updates.
- A welcome phone call will made to each parent and student to ensure that the lines of communication are open.
- A welcome video will be post the LMS. It will include important information about the course as well where to locate information within the system. Students will have an opportunity to
Ongoing Communication
- Posting announcements to remind students of upcoming events, assignments, and other pertinent information.
- Using Remind 101 and Twitter to delivery important information
- Sending emails and making phone calls to discuss student progress, issues, as well as praise.
- Teacher will keep a communication log of all interaction between parents and teachers
- Issues with academic integrity will addressed accordingly.
Communicate 2.1.1 Identify Stakeholders
- Do the descriptions correlate to your perception?
The descriptions provided did correlate to my perception of the stakeholders involved with the K-12 online education.
- How can they be expanded upon or described further?
When reading the student's description, I felt that it needed to be developed further to accurately describe the amount of time and dedication necessary in an online course. Student need to be diligent in setting schedules and monitoring their progress to ensure successful progress. In addition, the teacher needs to be willing to coach and frequently be available to the needs of their students within reason. Teachers should create a discussion board, so students can ask questions for all to see the answer.
- Are there other stakeholders within an online environment not considered above?
Teachers, parents, students, and administrators are the most important stakeholders. In addition, I think the community places a role in the education of students.
Communicate 1.1.2 Laws of Communication
Laws of Communication
How can one refrain from violating FERPA guidelines in online communication?
As a special education teacher, confidentiality is an important aspect of my daily live. Only sharing important information with required individuals. In an age of technology it is important to be careful in the information we share on social media in regards to student performances as well as their grades. Students' privacy should be upheld when communicating through email. The safest way to avoid FERPA violations is to only share general information through email and opt for phone conversations to discuss some information. Sharing grades and other information
What methods could be employed to verify that copyright is not being violated?
When wanting to use copyrighted materials, it is essential that you receive written consent and cite the work properly. Instructors must make sure they are clear about what ways they are allowed to use the work and for what purposes. Violations are not only against the law, but also send a bad message to our students about acceptable use and academic integrity.
Does copyright require that all work, images, words, and graphics must be original?
Copyright does not require that all work, images, words, and graphics must be original. It does require that they may only be used with permission and if they are used with permission they must still be properly cited.
Communicate 1.1.1 Definitions of Communication
How have your individual communication skills changed as with the innovations in technology?
The use and innovations of technology has truly alter the way in which I communicate with people and more importantly family. I spend most of the school day responding to parent emails. In the evening, I use FaceTime and Facebook to communicate with friends and family. Social media has changed the way in which I communicate. I have to remember to switch between shorthand communication and traditional communication when composing business related emails. It is important to remember to shift. In addition, emails and written messages carry a tone that is not easily spoken and can be misinterpreted.
How have advancements in technology altered classroom communication? Will these change further?
The recent technological advancements has altered classroom communication. Whether it is sending a tweet to remind students of homework or using Edmodo or a wiki to facilitate literature circles, technology has shifted since I was a high school student. Most school districts are shifting to online grade book and attendance databases. In addition, the scantron has been upgraded to work with programs and scanners to track data,
Communication in my classroom includes sending tweets so students can be reminded of upcoming assignments as well as using Google Drive to provide feedback of their progress.
I believe the changes we have seen are small compared to what the future holds. Tablets and EReaders are going to replace most textbooks and students will most likely move away from traditional pen and paper assignments.
The use and innovations of technology has truly alter the way in which I communicate with people and more importantly family. I spend most of the school day responding to parent emails. In the evening, I use FaceTime and Facebook to communicate with friends and family. Social media has changed the way in which I communicate. I have to remember to switch between shorthand communication and traditional communication when composing business related emails. It is important to remember to shift. In addition, emails and written messages carry a tone that is not easily spoken and can be misinterpreted.
How have advancements in technology altered classroom communication? Will these change further?
The recent technological advancements has altered classroom communication. Whether it is sending a tweet to remind students of homework or using Edmodo or a wiki to facilitate literature circles, technology has shifted since I was a high school student. Most school districts are shifting to online grade book and attendance databases. In addition, the scantron has been upgraded to work with programs and scanners to track data,
Communication in my classroom includes sending tweets so students can be reminded of upcoming assignments as well as using Google Drive to provide feedback of their progress.
I believe the changes we have seen are small compared to what the future holds. Tablets and EReaders are going to replace most textbooks and students will most likely move away from traditional pen and paper assignments.
Monday, February 17, 2014
Navigate 3.2.1 Tools for Deciding on an LMS
Deciding on the LMS
As more K-12 districts are looking to expanding online courses options, it is important to look at a variety of options prior to choosing a LMS. When selecting a provider, districts must consider the importance of integrating instruction online while providing training for teachers. Prior to selecting a provider, teachers, administrators, students, board members, and stakeholders should all be involved in the decision making process. For open source content, I would select Canvas because of the amount of professional development videos as well as members of their customer service department willing to assist you. However, Desire2Learn would be worth purchasing because of its resources, usability, and functionality for both staff and students.
Navigate 4.1.1 Trend Impact
Trend Impact
The most important trend in online education will be in integration of mobile learning. Students are currently using mobile applications and websites for learning. Whether it is on a phone or tablet, students have the ability to login into their courses from across the global. Even with this amount of technology, many LMS are slow to catch up at the rate of the technology being produced. With some LMSs, one can assess assignments and view discussions points but that is the limited. Many providers will be leaning towards updating their LMS to enable users to have the same functionality if logged into a computer. As digital natives began to enroll in K-12 online programs and college courses, they will need to increase the LMS mobile applications.
Navigate 3.1.4 LMS Reporting
LMS Reporting
Canvas offers a variety of grading and feedback options in their LMS. If quizzes are enter in the LMS, it automatically scores the materials. In the LMS, you can enter in rubrics and score the students. Students grades can also be color-coded to determine whether they are missing an assignment. It also gives instructors the opportunity to assign grades for assignments not entered in the LMS. Even though it is important to know the numbers of hours a student has been logged into the system, instructors should not be boggled down with those specifics since many students are multitasking in the courses.
Navigate 3.1.3 Tools within the LMS
Tools Within the LMS
I used Canvas previously and it consist of the following tools:
- Modules- includes the layout or sequencing of course.
- Assignments - sort of like checklist of class assignments
- Discussions - the collaboration aspect of the course
- Syllabus - direct link to the syllabus
- Quizzes - depending on the type of course this can be essential because it allows for immediate feedback
- Grades - ability for students to track grades as well as measure progress in course.
- Announcements -- area to make announcements as well set reminders for assignments
- Files - where you can upload information and files for the course.
- Outcomes - area for learning outcomes and objectives.
- Collaborations - students are able to work together using websites like Google+ and Hangout
Navigate 3.1.2 Creation and Investigation into Courses
Creation and Investigation into Courses
I chose to create a course using Canvas which I had previously used in a distance education course. Since I had some experience with the LMS, it wasn't as time consuming as starting from scratch. However, the course planning for this type of instruction requires many layers that need to be clear explained for the students. Canvas gives you the ability to create rubrics using the Common Core Standards as well import your own, You can decide what a student sees next or if they can view items in any order or at their own pace. The tutorials and other information provided by the company made using the LMS easy to a degree.
Navigate 3.1.1 LMS Tool Categories
LMS Tool Categories
When setting up an online course, it is important to understand the layout and composition of the course.
Content Pages
Instructors are able to upload course related information which can include written instructions, videos, additional information, etc.
Imported Content
These are upload files like lectures, videos, PowerPoints, rubrics, and syllabi.
This allows the instructors to enter grades and students to view their grades.
Communication Tools
Depending on the LMS, communication can include email and instant messaging as well course announcements.
This allows students to submit files for assignments which may include feedback option as well as grades.Discussion Board
Discussion boards enable students and the instructor to have a virtual discussion. Students can create their own thread and then respond to comments made by other students.
Navigate 2.1.4 Lecture Capture
Lecture Capture
- How would the resource function in the online classroom?
Lecture capture will function wonderfully in an online classroom because it will give instructors the opportunity to present information that students can access at a variety of times. Whether it is a narrated powerpoint or a traditional lecture, lecture capture allows instructors that ability to provide similar face to face interactions. These type of captures should be limited because if a course is overload with the captures, students will become frustrated.
- How would the integration of Lecture Capture modify teaching methods?
Since it is important to vary instruction, lecture captures are a great way to incorporate different learning styles in the classroom. Teachers can model an assignment, narrate a powerpoint, or demonstrate software during a lecture capture. The instructor can also utilize presentations or guest speakers in this lecture capture focus.
Navigate 2.1.3 Commercial versus Open Virtual Classrooms
Commercial vs. Open Virtual Classrooms
Weighing your options as a distance education professional to go commercial or use open virtual classroom, it is important to consider both the positive and negatives of each type. Upon reviewing a variety of aspects for the delivery of synchronous instruction, it was important to know the needs of the particular distance education professional or institution. If one is looking for applications with the ability to record sessions, one should try consider going with a commercial provider. Aside from the price, there are many amazing features as well as technical support for the programs. Open source software like Google Hangout will be beneficial for small group work sessions which will allow students to integrate their work into Google Docs and work at the same time. However, the type of services provided by commercial programs are important to the learning of a distance education student.
Navigate 2.1.2 Recorded Session
Recording Session
I chose to use Go to Meeting for the recording. Although in the past, I have used Blackboard Collaborate, Go to Meeting in my Ed.S program at the University of West Georgia. Because of the ease of the software, I felt this software will be easy to integrate into an online program.
Navigate 2.1.1 Delivery Methods and the Synchronous Vendor Market
Delivery Methods and the Synchronous Vendor Market
As the market for online courses increase, the need for in course collaboration grows as well. Synchronous delivery of content allows students and teachers to collaborate more effectively. In addition, students have the ability to review these recorded sessions when a session a missed or for additional support or help. With a variety of delivery methods available to instructors, it is important to understand what your particular needs are in a delivery system. Some programs allow you to do screen shares that are effective when presenting information or teaching content. Majority of the delivery options included video chatting in small groups as well as chat rooms to answer questions. As technology grows, there will be a variety of options to provide synchronous delivery methods. Whether you connect with a computer, tablet, or phone, instructors are able to meet the needs of their students using a variety of methods.
Navigate 1.3.1 Discussing the LMS and CMS
Discussing the LMS and CMS
Although Learning Management System (LMS) and Course Management System (CMS) are similar course management systems, they vary in their capabilities. CMS allows the users to create and edit course material. On the other hand, LMS includes many of the features of CMS but allows for the management of multiple courses as well as other features for managing the online system. CMS provides content, but that content is usually delivered through an LMS for a more dynamic experience.
Although Learning Management System (LMS) and Course Management System (CMS) are similar course management systems, they vary in their capabilities. CMS allows the users to create and edit course material. On the other hand, LMS includes many of the features of CMS but allows for the management of multiple courses as well as other features for managing the online system. CMS provides content, but that content is usually delivered through an LMS for a more dynamic experience.
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Navigate 1.2.1 Describe Roles and Functions in Online Learning Environments
Platform Functions
Student Information
- Manages student data
- Allows students to view grades, pay for courses, and register for classes.
Learning Management
- Software or application that manages the organization of online learning
- Deliveries digital learning materials
- Documents and tracks e-learning education course
- Content created by teachers or predetermined curriculum
- Operates with a variety of functions like grading, discussion boards, course offerings, documents/reading, and checklist to name a few
Roles in Online
A variety of people are responsible for the delivery of
online learning. One individual may be responsible as an administrator or
teacher. Some individuals may set the schedule of courses as well as the
curriculum that will be followed. Depending on the district, the online learning
administrator can be small or large depending on the educational setting.
Navigate 1.1.1 Delineating Between Synchronous and Asynchronous Content
Delineating Between Synchronous and Asynchronous Content
As distance education evolves, the types of online
instruction vary from institution to institution and class to class. Whereas in
some programs, students assess their content through discussion boards and
emails and in others learning is taking place in real time with the usage of
chats and mediums such as GoToMeeting. However, both types of instruction is
valuable to the cultivate an authentic learning experience for the learner. In a synchronous learning students are
encourage to collaborate and interact with material that is often limited in a
asynchronous course. Although students are interacting this type of
collaboration can be limited when students live in different time zones or
their access is limited. In higher
education setting, most students enjoy the flexibility of online learning
because they are able to participate at the best time for them and can also
promote more thoughtful responses. Both types of sessions can encourage forms
of collaboration due to programs like Google Hangout and Docs which allows
individuals to work collectively without being in the same time zone or room.
In the future, we will see an increase in blended classrooms as well as
tutoring sessions because of accessibility. With the opportunities to record
and store, synchronous sessions individuals will be able to review and
remediate at their own place which a valuable aspect of online learning.
Participate 4.1.3 Digital Health
What is the most proactive means of ensuring the most balanced blend of technology and well-being?
Scheduling time away from the computer to do things like exercising, cooking a healthy meal, reading a book, or relaxing are is important ways to ensure that you have a balanced blend of technology and well-being. Being a full-time teacher and graduate student, I have limited amounts of time that I am not working on a lesson plan or project. However, since July 2013, I have began to make my life and health a priority. It is important that I would work out at least daily and make healthy food choices. As an educator, it is my responsibility to teach students how to balance their online lives with reality. Essentially, I try to walk away from the computer and avoid sitting for long periods of time.
What can students and teachers do to make sure they get the most from technology while simultaneously safeguarding good health?
Students and teachers should be sure to unplug from both the computer and other forms of technology by working out or reading a book. It can help to specifically schedule this time. They can make sure to drink plenty of water, take breaks, and stay away from sugary snacks when on the computer.
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