Sunday, February 23, 2014

Create 3.1.2 Fair Use and the TEACH Act

How does an understanding of Fair Use affect one's role as an online instructor?

A strong understanding of Fair Use is vital to the success of an online instructor. In order to follow the law and also to be a good representative and role model to students, instructors must be concerned about using a certain item or material due to copyright restrictions. It is unreasonable or impossible to receive direct permission for ever digital item that is used. However, if one understanding Fair Use and is abiding by it or uses the checklist to make sure they are using copyrighted material under Fair Use then they can have more options of what to use in their course.

How do Fair Use and the TEACH Act correlate to the delivery of reliable content?

Fair Use and the TEACH Act enable educators to use content they may otherwise be unable to use giving them access to more reliable content to be delivered. Teachers must do their best to learn about these two important things though and use them properly. If used properly, an instructor can deliver better content legally.

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